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product picture of the ultrasonic flowmeter FLOWSIC600

ultrasonic flowmeter

Reliable flowmeter for process applications

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Données clés

  • Measured variables

    Volumetric flow, a. c., volume a. c., gas velocity, sound velocity

  • Measuring Medium

    Natural gas, air, C2H4, steam, process gases (e. g. CO2 up to 100%, N2, O2, Cl2 etc.), gases like sour gas or bio gas with high H2S content

  • Nominal pipe size

    2" ... 24"
    (DN 50 ... DN 600)

Domaine d'application

The FLOWSIC600 is an ultrasonic flowmeter that sets the standard in its market segment. The design shows that it is geared towards the harsh conditions of the industry. Thanks to its compact design with integrated cable routing, the measuring system is durable, fail-safe, low-maintenance, and exhibits long-term stability. The FLOWSIC600 has extensive diagnostic options that allow faults to be detected before the measurement is affected and offers process monitoring based on the speed of sound.

  • Process gases flow metering

  • Industry gas metering CO2, H2, Air, N2, O2, NH3, Ethylene, Helium, Argon

  • Internal allocation measurement

  • For gases with high H2S component such as sour gas or biogas

Device properties:

  • Highly efficient ultrasonic transducer - up to gas temperatures of +105 °C and pressures up to 250 bar

  • Direct path layout

  • Intelligent self-diagnostics

  • Compact, robust design

  • Integrated log book and data logger

  • Large measuring range 1:120

  • Bidirectional measurement

  • Low power consumption: <1 W


  • Long-term stability, reliable measurement

  • Low maintenance due to intelligent self-diagnostics

  • Virtually immune to pressure regulator noise

  • Ultrasonic transducers can be exchanged under operating pressure

  • Wide application range

Xpert selection

  • Produits spécialisés

  • Conçu pour les applications exigeantes

Excellence technique



Xpert: Performances exceptionnelles pour applications exigeantes ©Endress+Hauser
  • Produits simples

  • Facile à sélectionner, à installer et à utiliser

Excellence technique


  • Produits standard

  • Fiable, robuste et effort de maintenance réduit

Excellence technique


  • Produits haut de gamme

  • Hautement fonctionnel et pratique

Excellence technique


  • Produits spécialisés

  • Conçu pour les applications exigeantes

Excellence technique



FLEX selections Excellence technique Simplicité
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Fundamental selection

Parfait pour les applications de base

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Lean selection

Performances optimales pour piloter les applications standards

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Extended selection

Fonctionnalités avancées pour maximiser vos process

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Xpert selection

Performances exceptionnelles pour applications exigeantes

Excellence technique


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