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New beginnings for 130 young people

Endress+Hauser strengthens networking and cooperation in the tri-border region.

Publication date: 09.09.2024

Endress+Hauser is further expanding its promotion of young talent: At the start of the 2024/2025 training year, the group will welcome almost 130 new apprentices and students. By continuously expanding dual training programs and practical degree courses, the family-owned company is underlining its role as an important training company in the tri-border region of France, Germany and Switzerland.

Endress+Hauser currently employs 369 apprentices and students in the region. Between August and October, a further 91 apprentices and 38 students started their training. These offers reflect the company’s commitment to specifically promoting the next generation of skilled workers and strengthening the attractiveness of the region.

Apprenticeships are offered in the various sales and production companies as well as at the Endress+Hauser Group’s IT service provider, spread across locations in Germany (Freiburg, Maulburg and Weil am Rhein), Switzerland (Reinach) and France (Cernay and Huningue).

“Our commitment to training young people is deeply rooted in the company and has a long tradition. We are investing in the next generation of skilled workers and making a contribution to society at the same time,” says Jens Kröger, Head of Global Dual Education at Endress+Hauser.

International perspectives and practical insights

Endress+Hauser offers its trainees numerous opportunities to gain practical experience, for example through internships within the Endress+Hauser Group or placements in domestic and abroad, for example to gain experience in contact with customers. Diverse insights into the company and varied training content ensure a broad and practical education.

Endress+Hauser cooperates closely with schools in the region to spark interest in mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology (STEM) at an early age and facilitates over 200 internships every year. These initiatives offer school pupils a valuable overview of different professional fields and thus promote enthusiasm for technical subjects.

In addition, Endress+Hauser founded its own student research center in Maulburg, the SFZ Wiesental, which works closely with the student research centers in Muttenz (JETZ), Freiburg (SFZ Freiburg) and Lörrach (phaenovum) in a collaborative network.

  • ~ 130

    new apprentices and students are welcomed in the 2024/2025 training year.

Familiar corporate culture

The trainees and students were welcomed during this year’s induction week by Sandra Genge, member of the Endress+Hauser Supervisory Board, and Tifaine Endress, another granddaughter of the company founder, who explained the culture and values of the Group to them. “The closeness of the owner family to the company contributes to the consistency of our corporate culture and promotes a working environment characterized by cohesion and a sense of community,” says Jens Kröger.

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