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RTD thermometer TMT162R with field transmitter, display and HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus or PROFIBUS PA

RTD Thermometer TMT162R

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    • Technical Information (TI)


    English version - 04/2009

    New version available in English

    RTD assembly with HART®-, FOUNDATION Fieldbus™- or PROFIBUS® PA field transmitter

    • EU Declaration

    Product family: Low cost RTD general purpose, Process RTD direct contact, Process RTD direct in contact, Process RTD general purpose , Process RTD heavy duty, Process RTD hygienic, Process TC direct contact, Process TC direct in contact, Process TC general purpose, Process TC heavy duty, RTD thermometer, TC heavy duty

    English version - 02/2024

    New version available in English

    Product root: TAF11-, TAF12D-, TAF12S-, TAF12T-, TAF16-, TC10-, TC12-, TC13-, TC15-, TC61-, TC62-, TC63-, TC65-, TC66-, TC88-, TEC42 0-, TH11-, TH12-, TH13-, TH14-, TH15-, TH17-, TH18-, TH27-, TH51-, TH52-, TH53-, TH54-, TH55-, TH56-, TM101-, TM111-, TM112-, TM121- , TM131-, TM151-, TM152-, TM401-, TM402-, TM411-, TM412-, TMT142C-, TMT142R-, TMT162C-, TMT162R-, TR10-, TR11-, TR12-, TR13-, TR15-, TR24-, TR25-, TR44-, TR45-, TR46-, TR47-, TR48-, TR61-, TR62-, TR63-, TR65-, TR66-, TR88-, TSC310-, TSM187-, TSM487-, TST187-, TST3 10-, TST40N-, TST410-, TST414-, TST41N-, TST434-, TST434B-, TST487-, TST602-, TST90- Declaration number: EC_00136_04.24

65 documents