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Air quality measuring devices

Monitoring the atmosphere inside the tunnel provides the basis for effective ventilation control

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Air quality measuring devices

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About air quality measuring devices

Added safety – fewer backups: These are the key requirements of traffic service providers. Intelligent traffic sensors are absolutely fundamental to ensuring state-of-the-art traffic guidance technology. With our sophisticated equipment for measuring visual range, visibility, and wind speed, as well as detecting overheight, we are helping to find solutions to these tasks.

Over 60 years of tunnel expertise – and setting its sight on the future

As the density of the traffic on our roads increases, the future is all about finding ways to increase the availability of tunnels while at the same time improving safety for road and tunnel users. For 60 years, we have been helping road and tunnel operators to take on this challenge, offering innovative products not only for measuring visibility and air quality in routine operation but also for air flow measurement and smoke detection in emergency situations.

Safe driving in tunnels - from start to finish

Our portfolio of tunnel sensors is designed for urban tunnels, overland tunnels, and tunnels in rail and subway systems. Whether it be routine operation or emergency situations, we are your one-stop-shop for virtually all tunnel monitoring applications.

We measure:

  • Air flow: velocity and direction
  • Air quality: carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen monoxide NO, nitrogen dioxide NO2
  • Fog monitoring: visual range
  • Visibility: K value
  • Traffic safety: overheight detection, hot-spot detector
  • Early fire detection: smoke


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Capteurs de trafic PDF, 4.2 MB
Solutions de sécurité pour le trafic et les tunnels pour une détection fiable des fumées, de la qualité de l'air, de la portée visuelle et de la mesure de la surhauteur.
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