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Chlorine dioxide sensor Memosens CCS50E

Digital chlorine dioxide sensor
Memosens CCS50E

Memosens sensor for drinking water, process water and multi-industry utilities

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17 documents
    • Technical Information (TI)

    TI Memosens CCS50E

    • Technical Information (TI)
    English version - 10/2023
    New version available in English

    Digital sensor with Memosens technology for determining chlorine dioxide

    • Operating Instruction (BA)

    BA Memosens CCS50E

    • Operating Instruction (BA)
    English version - 09/2023
    New version available in English

    Digital sensor with Memosens technology for determining chlorine dioxide

    • PU (Publication)

    Infographic disinfection portfolio

    • PU (Publication)
    English version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Infographic on disinfection sensors with Memosens 2.0 technology

    • PU (Publication)

    Infographic disinfection portfolio

    • PU (Publication)
    German version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Infographic on disinfection sensors with Memosens 2.0 technology

    • PU (Publication)

    Disinfection applications

    • PU (Publication)
    English version - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    Measuring ranges and suitable sensors

    • PU (Publication)


    • PU (Publication)
    German version - 11/2023
    New version available in English

    Messbereiche und geeignete

    • Competence Brochure (CP)

    Desinfektion ist überall

    • Competence Brochure (CP)
    German version - 09/2023
    New version available in English

    Sauberes und sicheres Wasser für Wasserwerke, Kläranlagen und Industrie

    • Competence Brochure (CP)

    Disinfection is all around us

    • Competence Brochure (CP)
    English version - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    Clean and safe water for waterworks, wastewater treatment plants and ind

    • Competence Brochure (CP)

    La disinfezione ci riguarda da vicino

    • Competence Brochure (CP)
    Italian version - 03/2024
    New version available in English

    Acqua pulita e sicura per acquedotti, depuratori e industrie

    • Competence Brochure (CP)


    • Competence Brochure (CP)
    Japanese version - 07/2024
    New version available in English
